We have been so blessed this past week to welcome a team from Kingwood Texas to Brasov! They brought so much fun and joy to the children in Budila as they presented a week long Vacation Bible School for our After School Program children in the morning, and snuggled and loved on babies at the Brasov Children's Hospital in the afternoons. Throughout the week you would hear resounding YEE-HAW's coming from our Foundation Center, witness the wearing of fuzzy coloured mustachios, and bandanas but also hear songs and teachings centered around the story of Moses with the message, no matter where you come from God can use you to do great things. Here are few pictures from all the fun times that were had, thank you TEXAS!

The team taught our kids a new version of "The Lords Army" that had some very...Texan, moves. You've gotta know how to swing a rope and holster a side arm if you're in the Lords Texan Army :)
Each day the children learned a new verse that was recorded in their journal. Here, Claudia holds John 11:25 for the children to copy down.
Three of the teens from our program, Marcu, Petru (Mark and Peter) and Andreea came all week to help as camp counsellors to the children. It was absolutely inspiring to see these young adults now take a leadership role with children whom they were once like.
Some of the girls from Texas commented on how they were worried about the communication barrier. How would they be able to really reach the kids if they couldn't understand what each other was saying? The answer is simple. Love is a universal language, we all know it, we can all recognize it when it's given to us, and we can all show it in numerous ways.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18