Long term volunteers and married couple, Kyle & Faith Maynard had a great idea. They wanted to show Christ's love for the children of Budila by once a month coming to Kids Club to wash the children's feet. In the Bible washing one another's feet was exemplified by Jesus when he stooped to wash the feet of his disciples. It is an incredible example of humble, selfless service and one that we want these young children to be blessed by and learn from.
Here's an update on how it went from Faith and Kyle!

"Last Tuesday we had our first feet washing meeting at the Kids Club meeting in Budila. It. Was. Awesome. All of the children got their feet washed and were given winter tights, socks and underwear. At first some of them were shy, but after we got started they were lining up and eagerly peeling off their socks and shoes. It was really special to see how excited they were to get their feet cleaned.
My favorite part was seeing the kids' eyes when they put their feet into the toasty water. Some of them were very pensive and quiet, while others giggled and wiggled their toes. The whole experience was a blast and we're looking forward doing it again next month!"
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
John 13:14-16
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