In December 2014, after hearing about our After School
Program, Mrs. Alina Tudor, a teacher at Iacob Muresianu School in Brasov, wanted
to get her students involved in helping the children of Budila. Mrs. Tudor shared the need with the kids in
her class and their parents. With the support
of Mrs. Letitia Neamtu, the principal from Iacob Muresianu School, clothes,
shoes, backpacks and school supplies were collected for the children in the
We were so blessed by the generosity of the children and
their parents to help our kids in need.
We were truly amazed at the amount of donations we received from this
Mrs. Alina Tudor’s first grade class.

The children in the After School Program were so blessed by
all they received!
We are very thankful for Mrs. Alina Tudor, Mrs. Letitia Neamtu and to all the children and their parents from the Iacob Muresianu School in Brasov who were so caring and willing to help by donating to our children in the After School Program!
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