Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Meet Our New Teens!

Autumn is in the air! And with the change of season comes a new school year full of possibilities. We hope that the teen girls that have joined our High School Mentorship program this year will reach their goals and taste the sweetness of brand new experiences. These girls have moved out of their homes in Budila into our second teen apartment (we are so blessed to need more space). We ask that you pray for these girls, their studies, their relationships with each other and their personal relationship with Jesus. Pray that they would be undaunted during this new adventure!


Diana Denisa Burmaru
Diana is 15 years old and has just started 9th grade, studying culinary arts. She loves to cook and one day would like to be the chef at her own restaurant.

Denisa Florea
Denisa is also 15 years old and has just started the 9th grade, studying culinary arts, as well. She and Diana go to the same school and have the same dream of owning their own restaurant. They encourage each other and are close friends, even sharing the same room in the teen apartment!

Rebeca Denisa Lingurar
Rebeca is 15 years old and just started 9th grade. She is studying electromechanics at the moment, but hopes to one day become a secretary and a make-up artist.


Rebeicca Marias
Rebeicca is 15 years old and just started 9th grade. She is studying to become a hair dresser and one day she hopes to be the principal hair dresser in her own salon.


Izabela Brumar
Izabela is 15 years old and has just started 9th grade. She is studying social studies and hopes to one day become a police officer. We ask that you keep Izabela and her dream in your prayers as her family does not want her to pursue that line of work.
Estera Constantin
This is a face many of you may recognize! Estera is 19years old and has just started 11th grade, studying fashion. In her free time she loves to do different hair styles. Estera has a gift for both fashion and hair and one day she hopes to be qualified in clothing design and hair dressing so that she can run her own business.

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