Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jesus, Thank You for the Food

This song is sung before snack time at Kid's Club. The song, which literally translates to "Jesus, thank you for the food", was written by FFR's president Sarah Berchtold. While the song is simple in execution it is perfect for our kids to remember - they love to sing!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Abandon Fear Campaign

WHAT IS ABANDON FEAR? The Abandon Fear campaign is Firm Foundation Romania's first ever awareness campaign. Through this video we want to know - can you help us abandon fear and embrace hope?

 THE GOAL is simple. All we want to do through this campaign is raise awareness through social media. We serve an underserved community, we love a people that many have forgotten about or never even knew existed. Help us spread our mission by sharing this video and our campaign with everyone you know. Making a difference takes numbers, it takes all kinds of people from all walks of life. Are you willing to get on board?

 WHAT IS THE MISSION? The mission is Isaiah 1:17. "Do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." In 2013 there are over 600,000 Roma gypsies in Romania making them the second largest minority in the country. The conditions these families live in are considered third world. Unemployment is at 90%. Illiteracy is at 80%. And they contribute largely to the orphan epidemic in Romania. We are equipping them with resources, education and hope for the future.

 Share this video and help us ABANDON FEAR and EMBRACE HOPE.