Monday, May 18, 2015

Thank You Missions of Mobile!!!! By Rachel Titiriga

We were incredibly blessed to have the Missions of Mobile Chamber Choir from the University of Mobile visit our After School Program for two days last week! They came to Romania to spread the love of Christ and touch hearts through their incredible gift of music.

The team performed some amazing songs for us and the kids loved every moment of it!

They taught the children some dance moves and how to sing Amazing Grace in Romanian and English, shared their testimonies and stories, prayed for us and loved on the kids in our Program.


Here is a little video of them working with our younger kids, teaching them some dance moves!

For the last group, we had all of our 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  It was a BIG group.  The team did an amazing job of singing songs for us, and in between each song, a member of the team would share their personal testimony of how the Lord transformed their life.  It was an awesome time.  You could see the hearts of the children being touched as many cried hearing the stories that were being shared.  Then at the end the team gave the opportunity for the children to share their stories or to ask for prayer.  Many were prayed for and when the invitation was given by the team for anyone to accept Christ as their Savior, several raised their hands to give their lives to Him!  It was awesome, by the end of our time together, every single child and adult in the room were crying from the amazing experience.  Being touched by the love of Christ and the love of this amazing team! It was a time of refreshing and blessing!

Firm Foundations Romania and especially the staff and children of the After School Program want to thank Graham, Shadoe, Chris,  Chris doi, Matt, Matt (Stefan), Josh, Blake, Caleb, Tori, Emily, Grace, Brydon, Karissa, Sarah, and Brittany for coming out to Budila and for the blessing you were to each of us!

We hope you will keep us all in your hearts and will come back to visit!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

SPOTLIGHT on Sarah Vienna Berchtold

You've all read about the projects, the kids, the hospital and life in Romania. Now it's time for you to read about us! That's right, we asked the staff of FFR a series of questions so that our friends and supporters could know a bit more about us. First up, our fearless President and rock-star extroidinnaire, Sarah Vienna:

How long have you been in Romania? 
I’m going on 13 years now and counting! 

Where are you from originally? 
Born in Massachusetts but grew up in Northern California … I am a Pacific Coast Girl☺ 

What brought you to Romania? How did you start working with FFR? 
God brought me to Romania, however he used my friend who was a former orphan named Daniela. FFR is my baby☺ 

What’s your favorite FFR project and why? 
The hospital project will always be my favorite project of all time. Touch and love are the most important to me in my life and this is what we are doing for those kids. 

What’s one thing from “home” that you miss? 
Besides frozen yogurt, I miss communicating freely with strangers due to the complication of the language barrier. The Romanian language is not easy for me. 

If there was one food or drink that you could bring to a Romanian grocery store, what would it be?
Diet Ginger Ale, and blueberry greek yogurt. Yum! 

Where’s your favorite vacation spot in Romania? Outside of Romania? 
In Romania there is a quiet location outside of Bran near Dracula’s castle. The mountains are to die for and the location brings me back 100 years in time. Outside of Romania I would have to say Italy is my favorite location for a getaway. 

If legality, finances and logistics weren’t an issue, what’s one project you would love to see FFR start? 
An International Adoption Center finding loving families to take in the babies and children in the system. 

If you had to pick a Romanian name for yourself, what would it be? 

What’s your favorite traditional Romanian dish? 
Hmm…I could not list a meal, but I do love Romanian fresh fruits and vegetables sold at the market. 

Approximately, how many diapers would you say you’ve changed in the Brasov Children’s Hospital?
Over a 12 year period that would be hard for me to estimate. Take a guess☺ 

If you could spend the day with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be? 
Moses. He was humble, yet strong. I would love to hear about his adventures while living in Egypt. 

Who is your hero? Why? 
Hard to name one, but I have always looked up to Joan of Arc due to her courage and leadership. 

What about the Roma people inspires you to continue working with FFR? 
They deserve a chance in life and they love music like me☺ 

If you were granted one wish, what would that wish be? 
That everyone in the world would come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as his or her Savior.