Tuesday, November 18, 2014

They're Growing Up So Fast! ...And We're So Proud!

A Teen Update from Project Coordinator Juliana Timofte

The four boys and two girls who were in 8th grade last year have now passed on to another stage in their lives. The've gone from just walking to school to taking the train to school every day, from being with the same teachers and students that the've known for many years to meeting new colleagues, new teachers, new styles of teaching and new material a lot harder than the elementary. Nevertheless they keep the same enthusiasm and joy for learning.
The boys are volunteering every Wednesday to help with the 6th graders in the after school program with math. It's fun to see them trying to explain an exercise instead of just giving the answer. The other seven teens are doing great! They are faithfully attending school as well as coming out to our weekly meeting.

The girls apartment is now hosting 4 teens in a three bedroom apartment. The oldest girl has graduated and her place was taken by a 9th grader. Having a bigger flat gives them the opportunity of having a study room instead of using the kitchen table for homework. The relationship with each other is very transparent and this is very healthy. Every time there is a problem, the issue is addressed, if necessary, and each person is seeking God's will and love for the situation and not wait for the sun to go down before the issue is resolved.  

Thank you for your prayers and support for this program. God is giving a big increase in the lives of these young men and women.

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