Tuesday, July 28, 2015

VNO - Volunteers Night Out

One of the best things about working in Romania is all of the different people we get to meet! We have volunteers from all over the world come to hold babies in the Brasov Children's Hospital and to love on our kids in Budila. Every once in awhile, though, we get to take a break from that and spend time together as a team - having fun and getting to know each other! Thursday proved to be one of those times at Cafe Mado on Republicii.

Abrianna & Andreea
Raluca, Abrianna & Andreea
Dominique, Derrick, Ashley & Lauren

Erin, Becky & Holly
Rachel, Steffi, Melanie & Mary
Sarah, Heather & Loredana
The whole crew!
Costel with his sister, Andreea

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